Monday, September 13, 2010


  1. i like the overall feel of this quote...the words in black are kinda hard to read, though? good job.

  2. Great quote. The colors that you used really set the mood of the quote. Some of the black/charcoal words were a little hard to read. But great job

  3. Quote is as true as it gets. The words are the end are hard to read tho. Still good tho

  4. Good quote. It was hard to read at some points, but i like the colors.

  5. Like the quote but it was hard to read!

  6. I liked the quote and the colors except for the black. That made it a bit hard to read. Great Job though :)

  7. this is what is the black words say dark side
    hate twice suffering and then the author sorta is Yoda

  8. A bit hard to read. I think you should have pulled the third line down on it's own line and kept the rhythm going. It also looks like the first lines green is different that the other's and is distracting. I would suggest no more than 3 colors and change out the black/double outline text. Maybe just bold it, change the character size versus putting on crazy strokes.
