Thursday, December 9, 2010

Business Card

Turns out there really is a so don't really go there unless you want. The thing I want the card to say is that there is formallity in the company. The color choices I made make it look like the sun either setting or rising.

Thursday, November 18, 2010

CATE logo ideas

The bottom two are supposed to look like a computer monetor, since most of the CATE classes deal with computers. The star I think would work a little bit better if CATE were a five letter acronym, that way there would be a letter at all of the star points. Please let me know which one you like.

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Expression Project

 The words use are either in the shadows of objects on the shoreline, in line with ripples in the water, and wrapped on top of my head. Yellow is asciated with happiness, when you're having fun your happy. Thoughts are natural and is why the word is green. The thing about Scout Oath and Law is sorta royalty so I made it a not so dark purple. I think I payed too much attention to subtlety.

Friday, October 15, 2010

The Logo

The top is the original the bottom is the recreation. For the black and red ovals I used the elipse tool. For the black I had used fill, for the red I used stoke. For the star I used the star tool with a blue fill and a thick white stroke. The black outline was the opposite of what was done for the Vegas sign, which had a negative points for the offset path, I used positive points to make the border.  One difficulty I had was finding out how to make the tick marks inside the star which was made by the use of the line segment tool.

Monday, September 6, 2010

The lines in this ad for the Obama election of '08 are horizontal and curved, which means stability and restfullness.  The lines are inside a circle which could mean either infinity or protectiveness.  The colors of these lines are the same colors as the Flag of the United States of America, so the makers of this ad are trying to portray the above qualities to the United States if Obama were to have been elected.  The sizes of these line seems to be moving from the left to the right.  That could be representing the USA moving forward.

The curved lines in the National Survey of Student Engagement make the image look graceful, and the triangular formation suggests movement like its spinning.  The circles are inside the curved triangle, which means protectiveness since its not the other way around.

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Matt Hood-bio

This here is the not so exciting story of me, Matt Hood.  I was raised in a church family.  At first my favorite sport was baseball, but then I completely switched to basketball.  To this day I'm still not very good.  I have only one sister by blood, Danielle.  Several years ago my parents divorced and now I have four more sisters and a brother.  Currently I am the head varsity basketball team manager here at Consol.  I have been a Boy Scout for five years now and am working on getting Eagle Scout before the end of 2010.  Now you know me.